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Electronic Giving

Central Presbyterian Church now has the option of electronic donations. If you choose to participate, contributions can be debited automatically from your checking or savings account, or processed using a credit or debit card. This program offers convenience for you and much-needed consistency in giving throughout the year for our church. Electronic giving allows you to set up an online account for a recurring donation at the time interval of your choice. You will be able to change these settings at any time.

  • Is electronic giving safe?
    It is less risky than writing checks or carrying cash. To process electronic donations, we use Vanco Payment Solutions—a well-regarded company that securely processes contributions for more than 15,000 churches and nonprofit organizations.
  • What are the advantages of electronic giving?
    Electronic giving is all about convenience for you, and consistency for the church. It eliminates frequent check writing and helps members stay on track with pledges even when they are unable to attend services. The church benefits from consistent donations and a reduction in the volume of check/cash contributions that must be handled and manually processed.
  • How and when does a donation move from my bank account to the church?
    Donations from a bank account are transferred to the church's bank account on the same day using the Automated Clearing House (ACH) network. For donations made by credit and debit card, money is electronically deposited into the church's bank account within two to four business days.
  • Do I receive proof of my donation?
    Setting up your account will enable sending your receipt. You can also access your account by logging into your profile from the online giving page.
Worshiping with thanks
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Serving with love
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